Shut up Internet. I’m trying to prepare some #MSIgnite talks

OK, seriously now. You're distracting me. I'm trying to get some work done here. If you want good, inspring content. You gotta give me some space. Stop baiting me with funny things I have to respond to.

Stop making blatant puns that a Dad of 4 simply cant resist adding his 10 cents worth to. Let me get on with preparing for these sessions because I believe in the content and the conversation that follows: digital maturity and the evolution of the IT Pro BRK1088Look, this one is important. So important that I'm getting some help with it. Simon Denton and Dean Swann are going to make the most of 45 min. We'll give you some sound advice on some of the soft skills and mindset changes needed to support and grow your organisation in this cloud-driven world. I.T. starts with you and the people you serve.365 Message Center Show POD2018Daniel Glenn and I need your attention on this one. Focus now. We're going to interview Mike Ziock from the Microsoft team responsible for the Microsoft 365 Roadmap and Message Center. We'll hear about how it works, what's new and coming. Given that this week is going to be full of announcements, we expect the Message Center to be full of well-timed releases. So let's talk to one of the guys who helps orchestrate all this one of his most important days of the year.Turn it all on in Office 365 - RE365 Debate BRK1092Hey Internet. Your distractions aren't helping one bit as I marshal the two teams together for another REgarding 365 debate. This is a controversial approach to implementing Office 365. It goes against the grain of the historical approach to rolling out IT. So we have Loryan Strant, Liz Sundet, Daniel Glenn, Sue Hanley, Steve Collier and Alistair Pugin to light the fire under this.Oh did I mention that if you're in the audience, feel free to throw you opinion in too from one of the floor mics? But keep it short, or we'll have to take this outside and settle it. Or not. It depends right?Hey, IT pro: Share what you know with video THR1093If you think this sounds gimmicky and only egotistical, showy people would be interested in this, you're wrong. Man, woman, everyone... this is about saving you time and creating some content you can repurpose to help you serve your end-users and community. Use the tools in front of you and get passed the nerves. Video is already a popular medium and it's about time you followed these few steps to give it a go and benefit from it.Learning through sharing: The new way to build your community MUP2008Listen, if you're still at Ignite and you've woken up in time after the Thursday night party, Meet-UP! Really, it's the way to build a community around you to learn and to share. Alistair Pugin, Daniel Glenn, Loryan Strant and myself will facilitate an interactive meetup discussing the good and bad about meetups, what can we do to improve on them. Then we'll introduce you to UG2PointZero and build something new together. That is, if you're keen to make a difference in the tech community with what you know.So Internet, you've well and truly taken my concentration away from the task at hand. But I'm warning you. Back off. I'm busy. Keep yourself busy and check out the sessions mentioned, so I can get back to work.


The #RE365 debate MSIgnite edition: Turn it all on in Office 365


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