Breakout sessions in Microsoft Teams - discussing different options
I applaud the creative teachers and workshop facilitators for figuring out how to create breakout sessions in Microsoft Teams. I like the pattern they follow, creating a Microsoft Team for the event, then channels for different breakout groups to encourage small group collaboration and discussion.
But there are a few options I thought could have been explained better.
How do I create the meetings?
Should I use Meet Now? Schedule a meeting in Outlook and copy the link to a new thread? Schedule a channel meeting?
When do I use public channels vs private channels?
Do I even need a channel, or can I just use scheduled meetings into the same channel, therefore individual conversation threads?
Do I really need to remain connected to all the meetings (i.e. Meetings are 'calls on hold')
How do I get people's attention in their breakouts, to return to the main meeting for the next presentation / segment? This and more.
Forgive the lighting and the raw recording method. Oh... and the length of the recording. I had a lot to say, demonstrate and discuss.