365 Message Center Show #113 - Delegate can change delegators' settings in Microsoft Teams

It has been a busy week of #Microsoft365 messages. We saw a few reminders that Office 2013 and older versions of Mac OS will shift out of support for Office 365 by October 2020. While it's a year away, large organisations need that length of time to plan a deployment to Office Pro Plus.

The Global Reader role is rolling out, allowing those assigned the role to read settings across Office 365 services. This will equip some service administrators information to make decisions and configuration changes, without giving them the ability to edit services they don't need access to.

Outlook on the Web adds 'Meetings Insights' to assist you with preparing for a meeting. It will suggest relevant files and emails to attach and share with invitees.

We launched the '365 Message Center Show' audio podcast last week and have had a very positive response, judging by the number of downloads.

Visit messagecenter.show and subscribe using your favourite podcast platform, including Apple Podcast, Google Play, Spotify and more.


4:34 Upgrade your macOS to access new Office 365 for Mac updates
7:01 Skype for Business external access setting retired from Microsoft 365 Admin center
8:00 Global reader built-in role for read-only administrative access across Microsoft 365
11:15 Office 365 Communications API available for GA
13:19 SharePoint sites selection Retention Policies and Retention Labels
16:08 Outlook on the web - Meeting Insights
21:09 Delegate can change delegators' settings in Microsoft Teams
23:16 Microsoft 365 security center and Microsoft 365 compliance center will soon be available
24:49 Blocked file types in Outlook on the web
28:22 Phone system to display Caller ID for internal and external calls (reverse lookup)
30:15 Sharing Reports for OneDrive


365 Message Center Show #114 - Live captions in Microsoft Teams meetings


The 365 Message Center Show #110 - Microsoft Teams secondary ringer