Get fit for Modern Work
What are Modern Work Workouts?
We have all learned skills like posting a message, working on a file together, or updating a task in a project. Just like we know what a press-up is, or a sit-up. But we might be using a technique that tires us quickly, is inefficient, lacks focus, and can impact our productivity.
Modern Work Workouts are a fun and engaging way to improve the way you work with Microsoft 365. Whether you are learning a new skill or strengthening a skill you have, Modern Work Workouts will raise your fitness for work.
Example workout video
Example workout card
How do they work?
Modern Work Workouts will be published each week. Use them improve your productivity. Share them with your team or your whole organisation. Challenge each other to practise your technique and up-level your skills.
Watch a workout video - See the skill in action, demonstrated step by step. Follow tips and tricks to level-up your skills. Watch for examples of good form and bad form. Then take on the challenge for the workout.
Follow a workout card - A quick reference guide with the exercises, techniques, next level tips, and challenges. Includes a link to the video on YouTube.
Download an ad-free video - A version of the workout video you can download and share with your team or your organisation
Who are Modern Work Workouts for?
Individuals who want to improve their own personal productivity
Teams who want to develop their shared way of working
Change managers and Adoption specialists, who want fun and engaging learning resources for their
Microsoft 365 Adoption campaigns
How to get started
Buy a premium workout assets
Browse the catalogue to find a workout that meets your Modern Work fitness goals. Buy and download either the the ad-free workout video, the workout card, or both. Share the downloaded video and workout card with your team. There is no complicated per-user license fee or need to set up multiple accounts for people to access the learning resources.
Workout video in 1080p MP4 format. Workout card in PDF format.